All services are online

Last updated on Feb 15 at 11:08pm AEDT

DISCLAIMER: This should be used as a guide only, monitoring probes are in some cases Internet based and therefore reachability is not guaranteed and is, in most cases outside of our direct control. It should also be noted that these probes generally monitor our network and not inside any upstream third party networks.
All times displayed are GMT+10:00 - Sydney Australia.

Flow Voice Platform - (VoIP/SIP/Teams)
International IP Transit
International MPLS & Backhaul
Domestic IP Transit
Domestic MPLS & Backhaul
NSW IX Peering
VIC IX Peering
QLD IX Peering
SA IX Peering
WA IX Peering
National NBN Aggregation
National 4G Mobile Data Aggregation
Cloudflare DNS Resolution
Google DNS Resolution
Falcore SMTP Relay & DNS Resolver
Los Angeles IP Transit Border 1
Los Angeles IP Transit Border 2
Los Angeles MPLS PE1
Los Angeles MPLS PE2
AS1299 Telia Arelion Peer
Hurricane Electric Peer 1
Hurricane Electric Peer 2
Adelaide DC3 IP Transit Border 1
National NBN Aggregation MPLS PE
Adelaide DC3 MPLS PE1
Adelaide DC3 MPLS PE2
Colocity/GSL/Cogent Transit Peer
60 Belair Rd YourDC Hawthorn MPLS PE
Adelaide DC1 IP Transit Border 2
Adelaide DC1 MPLS PE1
Adelaide DC1 MPLS PE2
Optus Adelaide Transit Peer
AAPT/TPG Adelaide Transit Peer
Melbourne IP Transit Border 1
Melbourne MPLS PE1
Melbourne MPLS PE2
Optus Melbourne Transit Peer
Sydney IP Transit Border 1
National 4G Mobile Data Aggregation PE
Sydney MPLS PE1
Sydney MPLS PE2
Brisbane IP Transit Border 1
Brisbane MPLS PE1
Brisbane MPLS PE2
Perth MPLS PE1
Perth MPLS PE2
Perth Border Router
North America - IP Transit & Private IP Customers PE1
North America - IP Transit & Private IP Customers PE2
Adelaide DC3 - Telstra Wholesale / Megaport VXC / IaaS
Adelaide DC3 - Vocus / NBN EE / AAPT / TPG / IaaS
Adelaide DC1 - Telstra Wholesale
Adelaide DC1 - Telstra Wholesale / Dark Fibre
Melbourne - Telstra Wholesale / Megaport VXC
Melbourne - Optus Wholesale / NBN EE
Sydney - Telstra Wholesale / Vocus
Sydney - Megaport VXC / Optus Wholesale / NBN EE
Brisbane - Telstra Wholesale / Megaport VXC
Brisbane - NBN EE / AAPT / TPG / Vocus
Perth - Telstra Wholesale / Vocus
Perth - Megaport VXC / NBN EE
National TC4 NBN Aggregation
National 4G Mobile Data Aggregation